Symposium Themes
Abstracts submitted must encompass one or more of the symposium main themes:
Stress and Behavior
Additionally, the following topics may be included: Diabetes and insulin resistance, Obesity, Metabolic syndrome, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolic Programming.
General Guidelines
Abstracts submission must be done by email send for: abstract.isds2018@gmail.com;
Only abstracts from registered participants will be considered;
Accepted abstracts will be presented as poster (except for those selected for oral presentation at the roundtable sessions);
Three studies from each main theme (Metabolism, Exercise, Stress and Behavior) will be selected for oral presentation and participation in a roundtable;
The limit of abstracts submission is two (2) by registered participant;
Each registered participant may present at maximum 2 posters;
The deadline for abstract submission is July 15 of 2018 - Extended until July 25 of 2018 (25/07/2018).
The Symposium Scientific Committee reserves itself the right of
automatically reject abstracts that not comply with the Symposium scope or guidelines; -
The final decision regarding accept abstracts and those selected for oral presentation will be made by the Symposium Scientific Committee and communicate by email to the assigned author till August 10 of 2018;
Authors are legally responsible for the veracity of the information in their abstracts;
Only original studies, not published before in scientific communication media, will be considered;
Accepted abstracts will be published online in the Symposium official website;
Abstracts Guidelines
Abstracts must be written in English, following the template available for download below;
Abstracts should have Title, followed by Authors’ name and filiation, Institution and City where the study was performed;
The presenter of the abstract should have his name underlined;
Abstracts must be structured, containing: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion;
Abstract must be accompanied by a minimum of 3 and a top of 7 Keywords that represents the main idea of the study;
Abstracts should be formatted as follow: Font – Arial size 10, justified alignment and simple space between lines;
The abstracts must be limited to 2000 characters (not included: title, authors, authors’ filiation, space, keywords, acknowledgements and/or financial support).
The inclusion of acknowledgements and/or financial support are optional, references shall not be included in the abstract. Abbreviations must be properly described in its first appearance in the text;
Poster Guidelines
The poster should be made in a banner format, measuring 0,90m (width) X 1,20m (height), following the template available for download below.
The poster must be presented by an author, registered in the Symposium and properly identified (underlined in the poster authors’ list);
The Symposium Scientific Committee will evaluate the presented posters;
Only presented posters will receive the presentation certificate;
Roundtable Sessions
The works selected for oral presentation and discussion at the roundtable sessions will not be presented as poster;
Authors’ of the abstracts selected for oral presentation at the roundtable sessions will be informed by the Symposium Scientific Committee, by email, in advance;
Roundtable sessions will be of 90 minutes long, each author of the 3 abstracts selected for presentation will have 15 minutes to present their work;
After the presentation of the 3 works of the session, the roundtable will be conducted by a mediator, indicated by the Symposium Scientific Committee, giving the opportunity for the authors and the audience to discuss the presented works and the main theme of the session.
Scientific Committee of 2nd International Symposium
of DOHaD and Stress -2018